Simon Family

Simon Family
Family is not an important thing. It's everything. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. My Family is my strength and my weakness. I've always put my family first and that's just the way it is. I have a great Family. I live an amazing life!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Nail Art

Oh how i love painting my nails! :D These are the different Nail Arts i did.

First time i tried doing nail art. I don't have tools yet so i improvised. As my dotting tool, i used the tip of the toothpick. For doing the stripes i used striper and since i don't have the real striper, i took an old brush from my old nail polish and cut it off to make the strands slimmer and as for the diamond shape, i used sticky tape. Make sure that the polish is already super dry so it won't tear off once you remove the sticky tape out of your nails or else the polish will stick to the sticky tape. Tip: for best result, dry the polish for a day before sticking some sticky tape :)

 Of all the nail arts i did, i hate this the most. I was careless. I didn't dry the first coating just after 3 mins or so. I started sticking the tape to form the stripes so this is how it turned out. Messy!

 Dots! This is so easy. Just paint your nail, then let it dry for like 10 mins. Then start doing the dots. You can also use the tip of the pencil to make the dots. :)

Tiger print. This is easy too. I used striper to do the prints.

If you're going to use a sticky tape, i suggest to make it dry for a day.

Oh ombre! My all time fave! This is quite complicated. I used a make up sponge to do this. Instead of putting the polish on your nails, you're gonna put the 2 different colors of polish onto the sponge then after putting the polish onto the sponge, dab it on your nails. Make sure to do it asap coz the polish dries quickly.

 Ombre with heart. The heart is so easy to make. I used a dotting tool to shape the heart.

 Ombre with ribbon. I had a hard time doing the ribbon. I shaped the ribbon into the sticky tape then snip it and stick the ribbon shaped tape onto my nails. Then put some polish. Make sure to make the border a little thick so when you put the polish, it won't touch your nails.

 Very easy. I used the stamp to do this. You can buy it online.

I used sticky tape to form the stripes.

My Nail Art Stamp :)

Hope you learned something form this :)

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